I actually feel a bit sad about my mini-fridge because I've been reading "It Starts With Food"--the accompanying book to the Whole 30 program--and it's helping me understand a lot more about why paleo allows and forbids certain foods. Interestingly as well, a lot of the stuff I initially bought thinking "oh, it's two weeks, I'll get back on later" I just don't have the appetite for. It didn't go to waste, but it wasn't easy to eat, either. Which is a good thing.
The food in the picture was specifically chosen for two reasons:
- It's reasonably inexpensive (I get meals reimbursed, which would be more fantastic if I had money to put up front).
- It's easy to cook in a microwave when needed, which is the only cooking instrument I have right now.
I got eggs because you can microwave eggs pretty easily. Just do a Google search for microwaving eggs and it'll tell you how to poach them, scramble them, hard-cook them, or pseudo-fry them. They aren't as good as pan-cooked eggs, but they're do-able. I've been scrambling them with the microwave-ready bacon (on a side note, regular non-pre-cooked bacon can also be made in a microwave, and they have awesome plastic cookware for just that purpose).
What else do I have there... canned fish. Canned albacore tuna (it would be better if it were pole-caught, but I have limited resources to work with). I picked albacore because it has higher omega-3 fatty acids. There are also canned kippered herrings, which have been a favorite snack of mine since I was a kid, and canned salmon fillets, which I've never tried and just bought because... well, I've never seen it before.
As far as fresh stuff goes, I have nectarines, cherries, and baby-cut carrots. I also have a bunch of nuts... a bag of pistachios and a few single-serving baggies with a mix of cashews, almonds, and pistachios to bring with me for lunch.
All last week I had coconut water, including VitaCoco and Delish (Walgreens brand) that I haven't reviewed yet. I don't have as much money, though, so I'll probably stick to water this week.