I've been updating this blog pretty regularly about my New Year Resolution, which was to get my dental care back to a reasonably adequate level. I had my wisdom teeth removed on Friday the 6th, and although I've had some annoying-as-hell complications (notably a big old hole between my mouth and my sinus cavity due to the root of an upper tooth being long enough to reach into it), I'm recovering reasonably well and hopefully will be eating more solid food soon (I managed some chicken and broccoli today).
The thing is, the wisdom teeth were only step one. My teeth have been neglected for years, and as such there is loads more work to be done. Because of this, I'm sincerely asking for your help.
I've opened a campaign on YouCaring called "Help Save Jackson's Smile." If you are able to in any way, please consider donating a few dollars to help me get cavities filled and other odds and ends that need to be dealt with. If I by some miracle make the original amount, anything extra will go to helping pay off my wisdom tooth extraction as well as the other medical bills I have to pay.
Not a fan of YouCaring? My PayPal donate button is also a great option, as pretty much any money I make anywhere is going to be eventually paying for my teeth anyway.
Can't donate? I understand! Please consider sharing the YouCaring page (or this one). This would be extremely appreciated!