I went to the doctor this morning to get my blood pressure and weight checked. There was a modest reduction in blood pressure over the month of about ten points on each end, so that's good. I was hoping it'd get even better due to the diligence I've had with my sodium/potassium, but I'll take it. The "official" weight drop from my last appointment to this one (so a span of about a month) is 14 pounds, which is also good; a little under a half a pound a day! My doctor was happy about this, so hopefully I can keep it up.
Today I tried two of the more obvious non-Whole-30 foods. Again, I was going to do the official reintroduction, but I'm going to be traveling for two weeks starting Sunday so that just won't work.
The two things I tried were fresh mozzarella cheese and soda (with corn syrup and aspartame). I don't think the cheese had any affect, keeping in mind I actually have gone without dairy for extended periods of time. I was a vegan for three years. So I wasn't really worried about the cheese.
The soda... well, I didn't want to add it back, but I had some from before I started. I should have just gotten rid of it, but I didn't, and I'm paying for it with a stomach ache and throat pain. There are a few cans left that I'll be adding to the "family soda pile" and then I'm just going to go back to not drinking it.
In some ways it's similar to... well, maybe two or three months ago I accidentally drank a regular soda instead of a diet soda. It's similar to that feeling, after having not drunk any regular soda except for the occasional root beer and suddenly drinking a legit Cherry Coke. Except regular soda... it just coats my insides and I can't get rid of it. I never would have guessed that'd happen in my past; I used to drink around 6-10 cans of soda--regular, sugary soda--daily.
I hope that kicking the soda is actually along-term thing, because even on diet I have a tendency to drink just a ridiculous amount of it and that's just not appropriate.