This weekend had been pretty intense as far as... uh... not eating properly. I didn't eat anything un-paleo (not counting aforementioned supplements) but I did pretty much gorge myself on cherries, seeing as they are $1.99/pound until Wednesday. So the foods are largely fine, but the proportions are very off.
I'm still feeling good, but cherries can cause gastrointestinal upset (a Bing search tells me this is due to the levels of a flavanoid called quercetin) which, well, yeah I got that pretty bad.
Quick interesting tidbit: I typically have taken melatonin in order to get to sleep due to years upon years of difficulty getting to sleep. I haven't needed it for several days. I don't know if it's actually an effect of dietary changes, but it's nice.
I don't have much to report otherwise. My weight is stabilized right now. Trying to prepare for a business trip out of state which will involve taking needles on an airplane, navigating trying to stay mostly-paleo on an extended trip, and spending a lot of time with people I'm stealth to; that happens in a few weeks so I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about then.